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Our Latest Podcast
Check out our latest podcast about e-commerce and the world of shopping online for the best deals from the Captiva team.
Stand out from the crowd!
Job fairs are a great way to meet potential employers face-to-face, so it is important to approach them with a plan to make your experience successful. I have attended many job fairs as an employer, so in this post I will offer you four career fair tips based on what the job fair attendees I have hired did.
Laurence J. Peter Aside
Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it.
Dolby Presents: Silent, a Short Film
This beautiful animated film was designed to showcase Dolby’s partnership with the picture and sound industries over many decades. The story follows two street performers who dream of bringing their “Picture and Sound Show” to life. When they discover a magical contraption inside an old theatre, they embark on a cinematic adventure of sight and sound to find the audience they always wanted.
Spread an attitude of gratitude
When you think about the standout people and moments in your life, they can likely be broken down into two distinct categories: those that were reach-for-the-stars, over-the-moon-phenomenal, and those that made you feel so damn small you wished you could kick them in the shin and disappear. Now, keeping your personal examples in mind, which would you like to instill in others? Likely (hopefully!) not the latter.